
Ready To Use Formula – “RTU”

RTU is ready to apply, soak, and rinse. Ready-to-use containers have an unlimited shelf life as long as you keep the product capped.
We suggest soaking for at least 15 minutes to allow the De-Oil-It solution to degrade the hydrocarbon contamination. The longer you wait the more complex chemical structures are disassembled into smaller, simpler, and far less toxic structures.
RTU formulated De-Oil-It is used for general residential cleaning, industrial/retail floor cleaning, pressure washing, engine “degreasing”, tire cleaning, shop uniform cleaning, and more.We offer Ready-to-Use in 22oz, 1 gal, 2.5 gal, 5 gal, 55 gal, and 275 gal sizes.

Industrial Strength Concentrate – “ISC”

Industrial Strength Concentrate is preferred for stubborn or larger spills of oil, fuel, etc. In many cases, ISC will be more economical than RTU because you can dilute it to different ratios specific to the task at hand.
Use our dilution guide to add water in a ratio recommended for your application. ISC has an unlimited shelf life and the activated dilution is also unlimited as long as the container is capped.
We offer ISC in 5 gallons, 55 gallons, and 275-gallon sizes.


32- ounce spray





Spray attachment 1-gal






















  • All ingredients are recognized by the FDA as
    Generally Regarded as Safe (GRAS)
  •  Nanotechnology degrades hydrocarbon chains up
    to C-40 into detoxified elements
  •  A superior cleaner that leaves no residue of oils /
    greases, etc. and no chemical traces
  • Reduces surface tension making clean-up tasks
    more efficient (no more sticking)
  • Immediately removes nauseous fumes, odors
    and volatile vapors
  • Used as a fire extinguisher by removing the flash
    point of oils, fuels, grease, etc.
  • Optimizes conditions favoring biodegrading via pH balancing between 7.2-8.3
  • Oils – raw, crude, refined, processed
  • Fuels – gasoline, diesel, aviation, racing
  • Trans ATF, brake, power steering, hydraulic
  • Effective on benzene, Xylene, toluene, glycols,
  • Remediation efforts report time reduced from 3- 4 months to 4-6 weeks cleaning time
  • Keeps working in water runoff in drains
  • Forms an emulsified layer on top of water
    contaminated by oil spills
  • Oil spills in soil are degraded and driven into the
    soil by surfactant properties to reach bacteria that biodegrade detoxified hydrocarbons
  • Economical – Dilutes to 30:1
  • Water-based
  •  Non Flammable
  •  No Flash Point
  • Non-Dispersant
  • Non Detergent
  • Non Phosphate
  •  Non-Toxic
  • Non-Butyl
  • Non-Petroleum
  • No Residue
  • Non-Corrosive
  • No Halogens
  • No Noxious Odors
  • No Volatile Vapors
  • No Chlorinated Solvents
  • Minimizes hazmat cleanup
  • Biodegradable
  •  Nonirritant to Plant Life
  • Nonirritant to Animal Life
  •  Low Toxicity Aquatic Life
  •  No Sinking Water Column
  •  Unlimited Shelf Life
  • Ready-to-Use and
    Industrial Concentrate
  • Available in easy-to-use sizes.

How it Works

DE-OIL-IT breaks down the oils and lipids into millions of molecular/nano-sized particles and will not allow them to quickly regenerate like other detergent-type cleaners, making cleanup easier and more efficient. A surface cleaned with DE-OIL-IT will feel clean to the touch. The key to DE-OIL-IT is the technology used to develop a “colloidal micelle.”

Since DE-OIL-IT is a non-toxic blend of chemicals that work by colloidal formation to remove oil, grease, and grime safely, easily, and efficiently, it works differently from solvents or caustic-based cleaners. Colloidal micelle breaks down long-chain hydrocarbon bonds in oils, fats, grease, fuels, etc., and holds them in suspension at a nanoscale. Individual micelle repel each other causing no greasy residue left after cleaning. This suspension acts as an emulsified layer on top of water and in soil, the surfactant properties of De-Oil-It drive the micelle down to layers in the soil where bacteria can complete the biodegrading process.

When a micelle contained in the DE-OIL-IT product comes in contact with a hydrocarbon molecule, the center of the micelle bonds to a similar hydrophobic hydrocarbon. It disrupts the attraction to other hydrocarbon molecules and/or to the surface. The action of a single micelle is multiplied by billions of other micelles. The molecular level emulsification process penetrates highly viscous and sticky materials namely hydrocarbon-based, lifting them from the surface to which they adhere. When many micelles are in close vicinity to others a “colloidal micelle” is formed and this results in an emulsified layer on top of the water. On land/soil, the surfactant properties of De-Oil-It drive the micelle into the soil to then be accessible to indigenous bacteria that will complete decomposition via a biodegrading process.

Considering the damage inflicted on life and the planet by harsh cleaners and solvents, colloidal chemistry represents an exceptional advance toward environmental preservation and restoration.